Wednesday, July 20, 2011

for a reason

the glory of sadness
people cry and laugh
for sometimes
twist and turn
for a reason

but one thing i know
there's always be a choice

sedih dan bahagia adalah pilihan
manusia yg hebat, bukan ia yg tak pernah punya masalah
bukan ia yg tak pernah sedih
tp ia yg 1000x bangkit dr 500x kegagalan

kesedihan sering menjadi cara Tuhan
pd manusia agar lebih kuat mengingat-Nya
agar lebih dekat dg-Nya
kadang juga cara yg tepat
menegur manusia atas sebuah "kelalaian"

we feel sad just because we don't get something what we expected
feel not good enough to be somebody

jauh meringkuk dalam kegagalan

is an expected do something in vain?

as long as u believe
hope doesn't get older
we always have a choice
choice to be what we want

u only need sometimes
to let ur self be empty
and weightless to find some peace

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