Polisi Indo emang gila korupnya. Seorang teman dari Madagaskar yg nyasar salah jalan pun kena palak juga. Gara2 pajak STNK nya mati sejak dua tahun lalu, kena deh dia.
"Priiittt! Suddenly he stopped me and asked me to show the KTP motor and driving license," Gio said to us.
Temanku ini emang kocak banget, nyebut STNK selalu aja KTP motor. Bisa siy bahasa Indo tapi masih setengah2 meski dia sudah setahun belajar di Sby.
"Jalanan macet dan saya drive my motorcycle to flyover. I just knew that the flyover only for car," he said.
Yg dia maksud adalah jembatan Mayangkara. Dia berasal dari arah terminal Bungurasih hendak pulang menuju kos di daerah Gubeng Kertajaya. Motor yg ia pakai sebetulnya ia beli second Rp 7 juta dari temannya teman staf pengajar bahasa di Lab Bahasa Unair. Agak rumit, ngga heran Gio lalu hrs menanggung pajaknya yg tdk dibayarkan selama dua tahun. Pemilik yang sesuai dg alamat STNK ternyata sudah meninggal dan Gio bingung harus pakai KTP siapa ketika bayar pajak dan balik nama BPKB. Di situlah polisi memanfaatkan celah.
"Actually I have my driving license from Madagascar but for car, not motorcycle. And I don't think I can use it in Indo because the position of steering wheel on right-hand side, Madagascar on left-hand side," he added.
"The police asked me fifty thousands rupiahs, but I said I don't have money pak. I'm a college student, and here is my identity. Then I show him my wallet there are only fifty thousands left. So he asked me thirty five thousands," he said.
"Seriously? Dia mau kau kasi cuma 35.000 aja?" we asked.
"Ya, he counted my cash on my wallet. After that, he asked me why I didn't have driving license? He offered me to get driving license and gave me his phone number. He said that I can get it instantly only eight hundred thousands rupiahs, just call his number. " Gio said.
"Gosh! And you say yes?"
"No. I only nodded and then discard his number. No way, I don't have that much money from my scholarship. I don't even have my KTP motor yet," he said.
Poor you are.. Polisi Indo emang resek betul. Tau ada orang asing langsung jd sasaran empuk buat dipalak.
"You know the real cost to get driving licence for motorcycle in Indo? Only Rp 100.000, but you have to make it on three days. If we (local people) want to get instantly from calo only Rp 400.000," I said.
"Wow, twice for me? Great pak police!" Gio added.
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